20  Journalism

20.1 Practical R for Mass Communication and Journalism

Welcome to this excerpt from Practical R for Mass Communication and Journalism. In these sample chapters, you’ll:

learn how to find your way around R and RStudio, see how much you can do in just a few lines of code, start doing some basic data exploration, and get some ideas and sample code for using R in analyzing election results. I hope you find this excerpt useful! If you do and would like to read more, you can order the complete book from CRC Press or Amazon.

Paid: Free samples $55

Link: http://www.machlis.com/R4Journalists/index.html

20.2 Using R for Data Journalism

  • Andrew Ba Tran

This site will help you learn how to use the statistical computing and graphics language R to enhance your data analysis and reporting process.

It was originally part of a free MOOC offered by the Knight Center at the University of Texas

Link: https://learn.r-journalism.com/en/


Created and maintained by Oscar Baruffa.
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