30  Shiny

30.1 A gRadual intRoduction to Shiny

  • Ted Laderas
  • Jessica Minnier

By the end of this workshop, you should be able to:

Browse examples in the shiny gallery and understand how they work.Understand the components of a Shiny app and how they communicate.Learn three basic design patterns to the shiny apps.

Link: https://laderast.github.io/gradual_shiny/

30.2 Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps

  • Colin Fay
  • Sébastien Rochette
  • Vincent Guyader
  • Cervan Girard

This book will not get you started with Shiny, nor talk how to work with Shiny once it is sent to production. What we’ll see is the process of building an application that will later be sent to production.

Link: https://engineering-shiny.org/

30.3 JavaScript 4 Shiny - Field Notes

JavaScript in practice for Shiny users.

Link: https://connect.thinkr.fr/js4shinyfieldnotes/

30.4 JavaScript for R

Learn how to build your own data visualisation packages, improve shiny with JavaScript, and use JavaScript for computations.

Link: https://javascript-for-r.com

30.5 Mastering Shiny

  • Hadley Wickham

This book complements Shiny’s online documentation and is intended to help app authors develop a deeper understanding of Shiny. After reading this book, you’ll be able to write apps that have more customized UI, more maintainable code, and better performance and scalability.

Link: https://mastering-shiny.org/

30.6 Mastering Shiny Solutions, Baek

Mastering Shiny Solutions 2021, by Maya Gans and Marly Gotti, was released in early 2021. Since then, there have been various changes to the exercises in Mastering Shiny, and this book serves as an updated version. A few solutions in this book defer to those provided in Mastering Shiny Solutions 2021. Also, some exercises don’t contain solutions, and for these exercises, the author writes, “Not sure.”

Link: https://mastering-shiny-solutions.netlify.app/index.html

30.7 Mastering Shiny Solutions, Gans Gotti

This book offers solutions to the exercises from Hadley Wickham’s book Mastering Shiny. It is a work in progress and under active development.

Link: https://mastering-shiny-solutions.org

30.8 Outstanding User Interfaces with Shiny

  • David Granjon

This book will help you to:

Manipulate Shiny tags from R to create custom layouts. Harness the power of CSS and JavaScript to quickly design apps standing out from the pack. Discover the steps to import and convert existing web frameworks like Bootstrap 4, framework7 and more Learn how Shiny internally deals with inputs. Learn more about less documented Shiny mechanisms (websockets, sessions, …)

Link: https://divadnojnarg.github.io/outstanding-shiny-ui/

30.9 R Shiny Applications in Finance, Medicine, Pharma and Education Industry

  • Loan Robinson

The book is a guide to help you understand the codes of five applications you will receive after you purchase the book. If you can go through all of the codes, you can easily create a complex and brilliant R Shiny application.

Instead of spending hours and hours trying to understand, have the ideas, write the codes, apply application features, you can use the codes to quickly apply and learn the codes. There are many advanced features, it takes years to learn them, now you have it, hand on and work through it.

Paid: Online version is a sample of the book, full paid version and all code available for purchase $250

Link: https://kimloanrobinson.shinyapps.io/r_shiny_book_web/

30.10 Shiny App-Packages

  • Martin Frigaard

This book is a resource to help ‘connect the dots’ between building scalable Shiny applications and writing R packages. Adopting R package development practices in the early stages of your Shiny app will improve the reusability, maintainability, and shareability of all your hard work.

Link: https://mjfrigaard.github.io/shiny-app-pkgs/

30.11 Shiny Production with AWS Book

A big problem exists… No one teaches Data Scientists how to deploy web applications. You spend all of this time building Shiny web applications. And then… [silence].

This book alongside the Shiny Developer with AWS Course (DS4B 202A-R) solves this problem - teaching Data Scientists how to deploy, host, and maintain web applications.

Link: https://business-science.github.io/shiny-production-with-aws-book/

30.12 Supplement to Shiny in Production

This document is full of supplemental resources and content from the Shiny in Production Workshop delievered at rstudio::conf 2019.

Link: https://kellobri.github.io/shiny-prod-book/


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